Mtl en Arts 2024: A 25th Edition Embracing Inclusivity and Diversity

By pierre perreault

Just over a month before its launch, the team of the Mtl en Arts festival, an urban, inclusive, and immersive festival that democratizes the arts, announces that comedian and host Dany Turcotte will serve as the new spokesperson for its 25th edition, which will be held from June 27 to July 1, 2024, on the pedestrianized Sainte-Catherine Street in the Village!

For this significant anniversary, the organization wanted to go all out by partnering with a public figure who shares the same values and passion for art.

“I've been following this festival for a few years now, which I've always liked, by the way, and I see an opportunity to help restore the reputation of the Village, which has suffered a lot in recent years. Moreover, I will have the chance to once again give visibility to an organization like Interligne, which is still dear to my heart. I can’t wait for June 27,” said Dany Turcotte.

“It was very important for us to have a spokesperson who shares our values regarding inclusion and diversity. Someone who also understands the importance of supporting the Village. We were already in discussions with Interligne before approaching Dany Turcotte, and when he accepted, we were really happy. Let's just say it was a happy coincidence. We are very fortunate to have a spokesperson of his caliber,” explains Stéphane Mabilais, General Director of Mtl en Arts.

MtlArts2024 MtlArts2024
Mtl en Arts takes place between St-Hubert and Papineau streets, in the Village in Montreal: 5 days, 50 visual and craft artists, emerging and professional artists from here and elsewhere. It includes animation, games, contests, participatory spaces, community organizations, diverse artistic styles, and much more.

The friendly and relaxed atmosphere of the event provides a fertile ground for exchanges and meetings between the public and artists, and it allows for an exercise in awareness and initiation to art. Mtl en Arts makes art accessible to the general public. Many of the exhibiting artists participate in its impressive exhibition-sale, while others offer a series of multidisciplinary and interactive performances.

Mtl en Arts 2024
25th edition
June 27 to July 1, 2024
(514) 370-2269


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