Bureau régional d'action sida (BRAS)
109 Rue Wright, Gatineau, QC J8X 2G7
Web https://lebras.qc.ca/
BRAS Outaouais - Prevention and intervention in HIV and safe consumption
is a non-profit community organization that has been in existence since 1990.
BRAS operates in the Outaouais administrative region (07), including both urban and rural areas. Its mission is to develop and promote community actions aimed at improving the quality of life of the Outaouais population in relation to HIV/AIDS.
People living with HIV/AIDS and STBBIs, and all those affected by this reality, are at the heart of BRAS' actions. Beyond the activities and services offered, the team and members are committed to a democratic and inclusive movement that aims for equality, social justice, and the ongoing revitalization of our society.